Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Baby News!

We found out last Tuesday, February 4, 2009, that we will be having another baby! I am about 5 1/2 weeks right now, and Baby's EDD is October 11, 2009. We are thinking Pink but of course we will be praying for a healthy baby, regardless of it's sex. Cohen is very excited to be a big brother and loves to tell people the good news. He always starts off the same, "I have great news today...I'm going to be a big brother because Momma has a baby in her belly". It's soooo sweet.

I kind of get sad when I think that he's going to have to share me with a sibling, but I know that he will be ok. I'm sure it will be harder on me than it will on him. He'll be 4 1/2 when the baby comes, so I will make it a priority to have him help me with as much as he wants to. He will be a great big brother :)

I will go for bloodwork on March 12th, and then to see my OB on March 18th. I can't wait to hear Baby's little heartbeat!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Happy New Year! I guess I have to start making a conscious effort to update this blog more regularly. Does anyone even read it? Leave me a message if you do!

Ok. So what have we been up to...we moved and got settled into the new house at the end of September but I think I already went over that previously. October was an expensive month what with purchasing new livingroom furniture and painting the livingroom and hallway. Halloween came, and our house was spooked by a live Optimus Prime.

Cohen started daycare on November 12th, we had another big furniture purchase for our bedroom which also meant new paint was in order, haha. Our families hosted a Housewarming Party for us on November 22nd, which was a great opportunity to show off our new house, and to get together with friends and family. It was a wonderful time and we received many generous gifts! The end of November brought the annual Santa Claus parade, and Cohen and I also took in Max & Ruby at the local Civic Center.

December was a busy month preparing for Christmas. Lots of decorating and baking in preparation for the Big Day. Many evenings were spent watching Christmas programs on t.v., writing out Christmas cards, visiting and attending family get-togethers. Christmas was wonderful at our house this year - Cohen's best year yet! The excitement of Christmas with a child is truly majestic and I can't wait to see what next year brings. Lot of Transformers, clothes, movies, etc. I turned 29 on the 29th (bleah) and we spent a quiet New Years Eve at home on the couch.

January came in with a bang - we had a major snow storm/blizzard on the 1st and received a dumping of 49 cms of snow! The Island was shut down for the whole day and for most of the next...lots of snow to be removed so everything was pretty well either closed or delayed. I was off of work from December 24th - January 5th, so yesterday was my first day back. It's nice to be into a normal routine again with meals, bedtimes, etc.

Well, that's pretty well everything that has been going on with us, in a nutshell. 2009 will have a hard time meeting or exceeding how great 2008 was, but hopeully it will be a great year!!

Monday, September 22, 2008


So I guess I forgot to update the blogging world with our good news! Just after I made my last post on August 29th, Danny called me to let me know that the vendor's called him and wanted to meet with us that night...they accepted our offer! We take possession this Friday, September 26, 2008.

What else have we been up to...well we had a BBQ for Danny's family on the 31st of August and then Shannon & I headed out to the Drive-In for child-free, relaxing night. Step Brothers and Pineapple Express...both were great movies but Step Brothers was hilarious. The next weekend Shannon and I headed out for a night on the town but didn't get too far as we soon discovered that we are old and after a few drinks at Pat & Willy's we were ready to hit the hay. We celebrated Makenna's 4th birthday at McDonald's the next day and then it was time to say good bye to Shannon & Makenna on Tuesday, Sept. 8th.

Fall has hit us once again and we are busy with swimming lessons and runny noses. Packing has been taking up most of our time and our house is in an uproar and full of unorganization so we are looking very forward to this Friday so we can finally get settled into our new home!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Still Nothing...

No news yet. Blah. I'm going crazy waiting but today is Friday so hopefully we will hear something today or tomorrow....until then...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

House Business

We put a second offer on a house last Friday night...they were supposed to get back to us over the weekend but didn't. Monday evening they sent us an e-mail stating that they are still considering our latest offer and will get back to us by the end of this week with their decision. Well, it's Thursday so I don't know if 'end of the week' means Today, Friday, or Saturday I'm so anxious I could get sick constantly lol.

It's a private sale so there are no Realtor's involved...can be good and bad I guess. At least if we get it we won't have any real estate commission fees to pay.

It's a lot cheaper and older than the houses we had originally been looking at. We figured for our situation right now we would go a little cheaper and maybe in the next 5-10 years after we are finished having children and are a bit more established financially, we would build what we really want...our dream home so to speak. It's a bungalow that has been gutted and refinished inside and also has a detached 2-car garage which is PERFECT for Danny as he would be able to do private work on the side.Oh I want this house so badly, it would be perfect for us! I'm not a patient person at all so the waiting game is killing me! Please keep your fingers crossed for us and I will keep you updated.

Thursday, July 03, 2008


It's here at last! We have been enjoying some fab weather lately. Here's a recap of what we've been up to...

Last Thursday night (June 26/08) was the beginning of "The World's Longest Softball Attempt". I was able to volunteer for several hours on Thursday evening, Saturday and again Monday evening. Monday evening was the wrap up and the teams played softball for 96 hours and 4 minutes STRAIGHT! The teams raised over $10,000 for Cancer research, as well as "unofficially" scored a new record for the Guiness World Book of Records for the longest softball game played (96 hours, 4 minutes). It was an awesome experience to be a small part of it all and definitely a proud moment when the teams finished up. It was hard not to get teary eyed when all the team members ran out onto the field when it was all over with. They are all amazing people, that's for sure. The website is if you want to check it out.

This past weekend was Festival of Lights and of course, Canada Day. We didn't take in any of the concerts but we were downtown all day on Canada Day and met up with Janelle, Jonathan and baby Taren. Cohen had a blast at the exhibition and he even went on the Scrambler with Danny! Once I figure out how to post some pictures, I'll do so.

I took a vacation day yesterday and Cohen & I hung out at Victoria Park with Amanda, Gracie & Maddie. The kids had a great time playing in the sprinkler and on the playground equipment. Pictures to come as well!

Today I'm back to the grind and roasting. It's 22 outside but we are sitting in a heritage building with no air conditioning. Gross! Can't wait until 4 p.m. so I can get out of here and enjoy the weather.

Cohen begins his Intro to Sports program this evening and he's looking forward to it. He goes Tuesday and Thursday evenings for 1 hour from tonight until the end of August. Should be a good time!

Oh, I almost forgot...I've been following Weight Watchers since January, and Wednesday when I had my weekly weigh in, I hit my very first 25 pound loss! Go me!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


What a crappy day. It's pouring like you wouldn't believe and there it certainly doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon. Cohen & I are still in our jammies and I'm hoping I can convince him to have a nappie nap with me sometime soon.

Yesterday was fun. It was the beginning of our "Sunday Shopping" so I took Cohen to the mall for a haircut. We hung out at the mall for a couple of hours and then headed for home and Cohen fell asleep in the car. Unloaded him into his bed and took off by myself to Smart Set and the grocery store for some "Mom Time". Was nice.

We were going to BBQ for supper but by the time we got around to it, it was heading for 7 p.m. so we did a quick run to KFC for some chicken and fries. It wasn't good AT ALL and after a 3.2 lb gain today, I'm reminded of why we don't eat there! We let Cohen stay up until 10 watching "Bee Movie" and then sent him off to bed. Danny and I crashed on the couch and went to bed before 11 p.m.

Wild, I tell ya!!